This passion, and the belief that “with public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed,” earns Rifeline the respect of the communities we work with. Research and open two-way communication are the keys to Rifeline’s efficacy in opening doors to develop relationships, create community buy-in, and build informed consent for public projects.

Acknowledging that trust does not happen overnight, Rifeline facilitates common ground to neutralize conflict through traditional and grassroots outreach. We overcome controversy by bridging gaps between the public and the project with the belief that communities make projects better. At the onset of every project, we identify potential stakeholders then offer them a seat at the table. Communication flow is ongoing between project representatives and the community. All doors are open, all concerns are considered – earning the trust and respect of the stakeholders.

Using proven methodologies that are rooted in the Systematic Development of Informed Consent (SDIC)* 
principles, the Rifeline team leverages trust to facilitate palatable solutions. SDIC ensures proper attention is given to stakeholders to understand their concerns, motivation, and objectives from the start, and maintain their involvement over the life of the project. It means there are no surprises. It means your project is both responsible to your mission and – at the same time – responsive to a diverse set of stakeholders. While public sentiment might not change, the community acknowledges that your project will solve a problem and benefit the greater good, even if individuals don’t feel they will benefit personally. Those with concerns about the project will know all the facts and are less likely to stand in the way of progress.

*to learn more about the Systematic Development of Informed Consent (SDIC) that was developed by Hans, Annemarie & Jennifer Bleiker, please visit